Ann Banks


Ann is a dedicated educator and leader with over 30 years experience empowering people of all ages and building programs in both public and private sectors that promote performance improvement. Ann is currently the executive director of a non-profit organization in the Dallas area that provides adult literacy courses and career building workshops. Over the last fifteen years, Ann has consistently offered coaching to aspiring leaders and developed instructional programs for a variety of businesses.

In 2022, Ann began developing corporate training materials and courses for a debt resolution company and gained an appreciation for the complexities of personal finance and empathy for consumers who may be overwhelmed by financial issues. This experience inspired Ann to volunteer as a board member for Dealing With Debt and offer her educational expertise to create financial literacy curriculum that will empower consumers and promote financial independence.

Ann earned a BA in English and Education from Augustana College, a Master’s in Educational Administration at Illinois State University, and Specialist Certification in Educational Leadership from the University of Illinois. She and her husband live in north Texas with their rescue dog, Six while their adult children blaze their own trails in various parts of the United States.